Engine & Transmission Parts
Engine & Transmission

Pistons & Rings
Features & Benefit:
- Our pistons are manufactured with cutting-edge technology & precision which offers high mileage and output power for passenger cars, commercial cars and race engines.

Engine Bearings
Features & Benefit:
- Engine bearings range with us are highly durable and play a key role in reducing friction between moving engine parts, which helps to minimize wear and tear and extend the life of the engine.

Belts & Tensioners
Features & Benefit:
- Engine belts and tensioners that are resistant to wear and tear will last longer and require less frequent replacement, which can save you time and money in the long run.

Features & Benefit:
- Made up of highly flexible material to avoid cracking in long run and help to regulate the flow of air and fuel in the engine without leaks.
- Engine specific fuel hoses are made of materials resistant to the corrosive effects of gasoline to improve engine life

Oil Pumps
Features & Benefit:
- Reliable oil pumps can deliver oil consistently throughout the engine's operation, regardless of the conditions or load. Ensure engine components receive constant supply of oil, which helps to prevent damage due to lack of lubrication.

Gaskets & Seals
Features & Benefit:
- Qualitative gaskets improves longevity of an engine. Act as a seal between the engine's various components
- Ensuring oil and coolant stay where they should, and prevent any leakage that could result in engine damage or failure